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Cole Waldrep

words by Callie Saltzman

What inspired you to write 435? 

What inspired me to write 435 was just making newer sounding music. There wasn’t really a special thing that happened, all it was me and my producer “McKinney” in the studio thinking of ideas and then it just came about.


What are you goals for your career in music? 

Reach and impact as many people i can through the music. Music is a crazy thing that can bring a lot of people together, if i can just do that i’m cool!


What or who inspires you the most?

Music wise, i grew up on a lot of Motown so i’d have to say Michael Jackson. As of now though i love Dominic Fike.

What song of yours are you most proud of? 

The song im most proud of right now isn’t out yet but it’s called “Virginia”, out of the ones that are out though i’d have to say “435”.

If you had to ask your future self any question, what would it be? 

 Did you meet Justin Bieber yet?

Where would you like to play a show the most? 

Definitely the O2. Watching some of my favorite artists sell it out has made me wanna do the same thing for years.


What is your creative process? 

 My creative process is pretty simple, i just go into my producers dorm room and ask for a beat. Whatever comes to his mind is what we make and then i come up with melodies and then add lyrics over them. It really depends on the mood.

Where do you envision yourself a year from today? 

Performing bigger shows, working with new musicians, and hopefully being some form of an inspiration.

What is 1 thing new listeners of you should know about you?

I love Culver’s, if Culver’s can give me a sponsership please would love that.

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