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In Bad Faith by Sister Sleep

photos by Katie Claire words by Niki Davidson


After coming together in 2020, Atlanta-based sextet, Sister Sleep, continue to be our favorite not-so-little secret. Taking inspiration from the likes of My Chemical Romance, AFI, The Used, etc., this queer-fronted rock group continue to break the mold while speaking out and empowering the things that mean the most to them, whether it be LGBTQ+ issues, body positivity, or anything else. This is evident in their upcoming release, In Bad Faith.

Starting the EP off, "In Tenebris" begins with a calming guitar before drums come in to make it more energetic as the lyrics ring out. The instrumentals of the track serve a nostalgic tone as the lyrics help to show the somewhat urgency felt in the track for a means to escape something holding back. 

The next track, "The Arsonist," was previously released as a single. Starting with building guitars and drums, the track keeps a high level of energy throughout. Powerful mixes of screams and singing from frontperson, Barry Shelton help to keep the energy high and makes it easy to get up and go and even easy to sing along to. 

"Target Practice" is a slightly slower track compared to the others. The instrumentals and vocals alike make the song sound like an anthem for getting out of something that otherwise would bury you alive. "Raise your hand / Pull the trigger yeah / I'm not having fun" help to further push the thought of a need for escape. 

Being accompanied by the latest music video, "The Venom You Spit," carries the same high energy the group is known for. Being accompanied by a killer bass riff, this track is easily the most energetic one on the EP, and the easiest to get up and dance along to. From just the lyrics alone, one could think this was somewhat of a call out track, and an amazing one at that. 

In general, this EP shares high energy along with strong messages of never backing down. The band does an incredible job of doing so in such an energetic way that keeps listeners wanting more, and more they'll get. Sister Sleep is embarking on the "Rosary Scars" tour with A Sunday Fire to promote the release starting October 11th. 

See Sister Sleep!

10.11 - Birmingham, AL                The Firehouse

10.12 - Louisville,KY                      Mag Bar

10.13 - Winston-Salem, NC           The Den

10.14 - Columbus, GA                    Offbeat Live!

10.15 - Atlanta, GA                        Bogg's Social & Supply

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