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Maggie Lindemann talks reinventing her sound ahead of her debut album "SUCKERPUNCH"

words by Nicole Hayek

Contributing writer, Nicole Hayek, got the chance to sit in on a press conference with Maggie Lindemann with 1824° regarding her debut album, "SUCKERPUNCH." Here are their take aways from the conference:


One of the questions that really caught my attention was, “Hearing the transition you made from your single “Pretty Girl” released in 2016, a more pop sound, to alternative rock with the release of your debut EP Paranoia in 2021, what was the driving force that made you want to change your sound? Do you see yourself reinventing your sound again in your career?” And her answer was really interesting, she said that “So the thing that kinda made me switch was, I always have loved Rock music I grew up listening to, Pop Punk bands and my family loves Metal music. So I was really surrounded by that, my whole life. But, I think my turning point was I had this experience happen to me in Asia where, I was going on this little tour and things were not going to plan, and I kinda just realized that if I was not doing like exactly what I wanna do like none of the things I am doing are worth it. Like when bad things happen to you, if you are not living your life to the fullest–I don’t know—it kinda makes you realize that you need to change some things. So that is what it was for me, I was just like I don’t wanna be in these situations, luke I don’t want these things to happen to me and then realize why am I even doing this, this isn’t even fun. I am putting myself in these situations and for what. For me it was just that, and I mean I love Pop Punk music, I really wanna make it and I was just like fuck it, I am just gonna do it. And soon after, it felt like the resurgence kinda came back and it was just like this divine time and it was just kinda crazy. And I am not planning on changing genres, I am just gonna stick with this one. 


Another question that really caught my attention was, “What is one thing you want people to understand about your music or take away from the project when listening to SUCKERPUNCH for the first time?” She answered that, “I hope people can just see the evolution of myself and um hear the growth in my writing and the production and everything. I also always, when I make music obviously, I make music as like kinda a therapy, I don’t go to therapy so it's my therapy. I don't know, I just want people to feel like they can relate and feel like they have someone who understands them and just have that song that like if they are going through something or if they are having a good day or a bad day or whatever they just have a song on the album they can put on and they can just not worry about anything else.”


Thank you 1824 for inviting me, this was a really cool press conference to view and gained a really interesting perspective on this wonderful album. You can listen to SUCKERPUNCH now and can check out Maggie Lindemann’s other work as well on all streaming services. 

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