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words by Callie Saltzman and Niki Davidson

This past week, Callie and I had the opportunity to talk feelings and the newest Weathers release, 'Are We Having Fun?' which is their first under Sumerian Records with singer and co-writer, Cameron Boyer. 

 How was recording this album different from the past two?

In the past, we always operated with certain rules or guidelines. We always felt like there was a certain formula that made us “Weathers“. For this album, we threw all of that out the window, and instead just wrote straight from the heart with nothing tying us down. This is the most raw and emotional and real we’ve ever been on an album.


If you could relive one of your tours, which would it be and why?

Palaye Royale might be number one just because we made so many new fans over 8 shows. Felt like we grew so much in a short time. Also loved the Badflower tour because we became such good friends. The Set It Off tour in Europe was amazing because it was our first time touring in Europe and we had a blast with Set It Off.


What are each of your favorite tracks from the new record?

Brennen: ‘Carsick’.

Olsen: ‘Ggoodbye to my Friends’ and ‘Carsick’.

Me: I don’t have a favorite. Just depends on my mood. But ‘One of a Kind’ is probably the one that hits the hardest for me on an emotional level.


How do you think the pandemic affected you as a band?

The pandemic forced us to be incredibly more active since we couldn’t play shows. It forced us to figure out new ways to connect with our fans and release content. I think we learned a lot in terms of filling in gaps we never thought about before.


It’s known you guys are very into film. What are each of your favorites?

Brennen: Mad Max Fury Road.

Olsen: No favorite, that’s too hard.

Me: Gotta agree with Olsen. Much like music, it depends on my mood. But my best comfort movies have always been the Indiana Jones trilogy.


This record touches a lot of raw emotion. How was it for you guys to let all of these emotions out?

It was really hard at times. I had a hard time recording the vocals for ‘One of a Kind’. Had to take a moment at one point to collect myself. It was also very cathartic as one might expect. But most of all, it was terrifying. Being that vulnerable and trying to be creative at the same time is really tough.


Can you tell us a little bit about your writing process? Do you write melodies first or lyrics?

We’ve always been flexible. We don’t like to be super picky about the process. But I would say what tends to work best for us is coming up with a track first that fits the right emotion or tone. And then we start humming melodies and then think about how this song makes us feel and go for a concept that branches off of that. The lyrics come last.


What would a dream tour look like for you?

Selling out the biggest venues in the world of course! Any band would want that. World domination, you know?


Going off the last question: is there a place you’ve not played yet, but you would love to?

Soooo many. Pier 17, O2 Arena, Madison Square Garden


To people who may be finding you for the first time, what would you want them to know about you guys?

We love to have fun and cry at the same time. It’s okay to not be okay and we support and celebrate that in our music and work to always improve our mental state. Or at least manage it better.

We would like to thank Boyer for taking the time to talk with us and talking about, without a doubt, a favorite release for both Callie and I. Weathers are currently on tour opening for Meg Myers, and will be opening for Set It Off in California before doing some headline shows in July. Be sure to check them out!

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